All of the classes below are now completely self-directed. With this Learning Management software, you click on the class of your choice, register a user account, pay, and then log in to begin the class. First, you watch a pre-recorded video, take a brief quiz (3-5 questions per CE hour), then advance to the next video, Repeat. Once all the videos and quizzes and evaluation are complete, download your CE Certificate of Completion. (A copy is retained by our office for 6 years in the event you’re ever audited.)
- For a class syllabus or detailed description, click on the class of interest and look for the Materials tab.
I definitely learned some things and came away with some new ways to consider my conversations with this population. I especially appreciated the “5 layers of sex” information as well as all the science talking points to validate transgender and intersex individuals. The variations of stress experienced by this population is always astounding, especially when folks are also in other oppressed groups (intersectionality!). I have come to think of suicidal ideation as a “seeking behavior,” one that is deeply rooted in identity/self.
This was very eye opening to me as I do not have very much insight to this particular topic, yet! I believe this is an important topic to cover, especially in today’s society, not only for the suicide
component but the sexuality component as a whole. This subject is continuing to grow in interest as society attempts to navigate the information and to educate the world. I will definitely be looking through all the additional resources to add to my school counseling library.
The breakdown of LGBTQIA and defining of terms was extremely helpful. The statistics for bisexual youth are alarming and brings me back to when talking about educating parents and why they would want to take that risk and not accept their children. And how important family acceptance is. The ideas for clinical spaces to show Gender Affirming Care are such simple changes that clinics can make. There are so many complexities with biology in this course this helps outline them and understand them better. Thank you for all the resources, especially focusing on our youth!
Joseph’s video was a good reminder of not making therapy about me as the clinician. The client needs to be the one doing the work, not me. It is also not about my agenda. He also has some good ideas for how to work through some of the common problems during sessions. Often it’s easy to give up and say that the client is not responding to therapy. The strategies he outlines are great ideas to try first.
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